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The Legacy Challenge Mega Thread


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    meggiewesmeggiewes Posts: 1,066 Member
    Megg87 wrote: »
    meggiewes wrote: »
    My third generation girl grew up! She has blonde hair like her daddy and that was a total shock since her mother had black hair and her grandparents had black and brown hair. She just must have gotten lucky in the gene pool.

    Also, I am having a massive brain fail today and I can't figure out where to find my pictures on my computer that I took in the game. A little help?
    Mine are found under My Documents>Origin>Sims 4>Screenshot (I THINK - I'm at work)

    Oh duh! I was looking in the wrong place all together. That was a terrible, terrible brain fail there. Thank you.
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    RoaneRoane Posts: 204 Member
    I'm looking for some advice or suggestions. Trying to avoid spoilers (because I haven't gotten the blog post for this up yet), I married someone into the household and then found out that they have a "bad" trait that will probably cause them to be miserable and to make everyone around them miserable. I'm waffling between divorcing him and kicking him out once they have kids, or suffering through it. It's tough because my inclination is always to try to make my Sims as happy as I can, but bad stuff makes for better story, and being five generations in, breaking up the usual patterns isn't a bad thing. At the same time, he's a waste of resources and might make it harder to generate points. I can't see wasting my time on using him to generate points either way, honestly. I'll mostly just let him do his own thing.
    The Geek Shall Inherit: The Merrigan Family Legacy Challenge -- Visit us on Tumblr.
    Origin ID: Tairgire
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Roane wrote: »
    I'm looking for some advice or suggestions. Trying to avoid spoilers (because I haven't gotten the blog post for this up yet), I married someone into the household and then found out that they have a "bad" trait that will probably cause them to be miserable and to make everyone around them miserable. I'm waffling between divorcing him and kicking him out once they have kids, or suffering through it. It's tough because my inclination is always to try to make my Sims as happy as I can, but bad stuff makes for better story, and being five generations in, breaking up the usual patterns isn't a bad thing. At the same time, he's a waste of resources and might make it harder to generate points. I can't see wasting my time on using him to generate points either way, honestly. I'll mostly just let him do his own thing.

    With Legacies, I usually like to live with the good and the bad--makes for a richer (and certainly different) experience. I currently have an evil teen in gen 3, and I was thinking about moving her out if she doesn't become the spare, but it's so interesting to have her around that I'm considering keeping her in the household. And then the gen 2 spare's girlfriend is positively odd, despite having decent traits--but the game's just so much more interesting with her around.

    With my other games, I usually just play the nice ones, so I kind of like the diversity of experience that legacies provide.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    stargirl18stargirl18 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Hello, Chapter 4.5 is up
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    RoaneRoane Posts: 204 Member
    CathyTea wrote: »
    With Legacies, I usually like to live with the good and the bad--makes for a richer (and certainly different) experience.
    Thanks for the advice. I decided to keep him around for now. If things get too bad, I might kick him out as a plot point. Right now, I just have him avoid the house. Heh.

    The Geek Shall Inherit: The Merrigan Family Legacy Challenge -- Visit us on Tumblr.
    Origin ID: Tairgire
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    Kiingyy23Kiingyy23 Posts: 326 Member
    Chapter Ten has been released. I've dropped the storyline due to the fact it was dragging..... a lot! Enjoy! xxx
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    MissBizbokMissBizbok Posts: 28 New Member
    So, I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already but what are the rules now that ghosts have been introduced to the game? My founders spouse is going to pass soon and I want to know if I am allowed to invite him back into the household. :)
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    MsPhyMsPhy Posts: 5,055 Member
    MissBizbok wrote: »
    So, I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already but what are the rules now that ghosts have been introduced to the game? My founders spouse is going to pass soon and I want to know if I am allowed to invite him back into the household. :)

    Over on the Legacy Challenge website, Pinstar said last night/this morning that we should expect a ruling on ghosts this week.
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    stargirl18stargirl18 Posts: 1,594 Member
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    FloorRaisinFloorRaisin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Just ran into a "new" problem re: ghosts and tombstones. This Thursday after townie culling time, I was checking my Sim's relationship panel to see if anyone I'd met recently survived and noticed that my family ghosts were all gone from the list but one. Then I checked the graves and sure enough, only one (out of 6! grr) still has a name on it. :s

    Do you think that ghosts are being culled alongside the unhoused townies? Or did something else screw it up?
    The Wolff Legacy - - Latest update: Forward, Fast
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    MegglesMeggles Posts: 4,109 Member
    @FloorRaisin, I hope not because I lost two of my spouses. It's a big bummer but to lose 5 sounds even worse! :disappointed:
    Gifs are broken but click here for my blog with all my stories :)
    House: Hufflepuff | Wand: Ebony wood w/a unicorn hair core, 9 ¾"
    Origin ID: meggles87 | twitter | simblr
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    RoaneRoane Posts: 204 Member
    I read on another thread that ghosts are being culled with townies, at the exact same time. I haven't had that problem happen but I keep my townie list pretty cleaned out. (I merge them all together into full households and move them into houses, or delete them.)
    The Geek Shall Inherit: The Merrigan Family Legacy Challenge -- Visit us on Tumblr.
    Origin ID: Tairgire
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Just ran into a "new" problem re: ghosts and tombstones. This Thursday after townie culling time, I was checking my Sim's relationship panel to see if anyone I'd met recently survived and noticed that my family ghosts were all gone from the list but one. Then I checked the graves and sure enough, only one (out of 6! grr) still has a name on it. :s

    Do you think that ghosts are being culled alongside the unhoused townies? Or did something else screw it up?

    Oh, no! How sad! Is Estrella's ghost still around?
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    FloorRaisinFloorRaisin Posts: 1,340 Member
    CathyTea wrote: »
    Oh, no! How sad! Is Estrella's ghost still around?

    Nope. :( Only have Buttercup now. No more free masterpiece paintings in the night from Garrett either! heh

    Hopefully they patch it so that played family ghosts stop getting culled! Ghosts seem kind of pointless otherwise, as if you play more than a couple generations you're going to be eating up your population count quick.
    The Wolff Legacy - - Latest update: Forward, Fast
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    @FloorRaisin - Oh, that's so sad.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    FloorRaisinFloorRaisin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Wulp, even though I deleted all the unhoused first, this Thursday took my last ghost. Hmph.
    The Wolff Legacy - - Latest update: Forward, Fast
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    simbody872simbody872 Posts: 828 Member
    Oh how terrible! They give us ghosties and then take them away :'( *waaaaaa* :'( I feel like throwing a temper tantrum. I'm so sorry to hear you lost all those wonderful ghosts. :'(
    A Legacy Challenge. The Benton Legacy
    A Prettacy Challenge It Ain't Easy Being Green
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    FloorRaisinFloorRaisin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Thanks guys. I think I'm most bummed that their tombstone doesn't belong to them anymore, and their created items no longer have their names. I rather enjoyed having books laying around that great-grandfather wrote, and stuff like that. It's like those sims never existed as far as the game is concerned. :(

    In TS3 I never once made it past where I am right now - g5 infancy - in a Legacy before the game became unplayable (crashing, lockups, sims falling through the floor, real serious stuff). This latest issue, I guess, is more of a "darn that's a bummer" thing - I'll just have to carry on and hope they fix it before it hits other folks!
    The Wolff Legacy - - Latest update: Forward, Fast
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    RoaneRoane Posts: 204 Member
    I've taken to putting the Sim's name in the epitaph, name of the item, or the description, so that even if it gets erased, I still have a record of who it was, etc. Not ideal, but it'll do for now.
    The Geek Shall Inherit: The Merrigan Family Legacy Challenge -- Visit us on Tumblr.
    Origin ID: Tairgire
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    edited October 2014
    @Roane - good idea!

    @FloorRaisin - I'm the same--gen 4 or gen 5 in TS3 and the game became unplayable! In one game, my legacy heir got stuck in Shang Sim La (or whatever that Asian travel place was called). She went there to find a potential mate and was unable to come home. When my game started glitching badly the other night, I realized that I could save the household to the gallery, so that if I lost the game, I could at least move them into a new game and start from there. I think I'll try to remember to do that for every generation, just for safe-keeping.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    Kiingyy23Kiingyy23 Posts: 326 Member
    Oh no! I hope Drake's ghost doesn't disappear, I like seeing his naked self. Lol. No but seriously if this starts in my game EA will be getting it! xx
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    MsPhyMsPhy Posts: 5,055 Member
    Wulp, even though I deleted all the unhoused first, this Thursday took my last ghost. Hmph.

    There are two culling subroutines. One culls the homeless to keep the population down to 180 (and the dead are considered homeless), and one culls families that "get too big" (genealogy culling, they call it). The following mod will prevent the genealogy culling, and has helped several people who lost family ghosts but had a previous save to go back to. Nothing will help the population culling except keeping your population down, though. I keep going through my homeless and deleting elders I don't care about. I'm also linking mods that will help keep townies from spawning outrageously (I put in legacy loves when I need people) and that will tell you what you population is.
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    mangakagirlmangakagirl Posts: 415 Member
    edited October 2014
    I feel like i have to take a break from My legacy right now. I have the bug with the big jaw and squint eyes for the males. So do not really watt the Boys to age.
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    stargirl18stargirl18 Posts: 1,594 Member
    I have an update Chapter 4.7, Only 1 update until Gen 5 starts
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    FloorRaisinFloorRaisin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Thank you, @MsPhy - I'll check those out!
    The Wolff Legacy - - Latest update: Forward, Fast

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